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Lab Tours


From Tuesday to Thursday 24.-26.09.2019 the Institute of Physics and Fraunhofer Institutes will host lab tours. The Institute of Physics offers labtours on 24 September, the Fraunhofer-Institutes on 25 and 26 September. All tours begin at 14:00. We ask that you be present 10 minutes before the start of each tour.


Please register beforehand as detailed below.

The registration list for the tours of the Institute of Physics can be found in the Conference Office (1108 in KG I). Please register on Monday 23 September.

The registration list for the tours of the Fraunhofer Institutes can be found in the DPG Tent, Stand 15. Please register on Tuesday 24 September.


A description of the tours can be found here.

A map of the routes to the venues can be found here.