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Childcare on campus during the DPG conference


Childcare is available for conference participants during the conference (23.-27.09.2019). It is provided by the agence Cogo working closely with the family centre of the university. Further information can be found on the website

A suitable family room is available. Access is barrier-free, with a pushchair available.

Toys and games will be provided. Required clothing, diapers and food must be brought along.

The childcare service can be used after registration starting from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm daily as needed.


Costs and Registration

The costs vary depending on the number of children to be cared for and the extent of care. Please contact us for more information.

Please apply in writing by 31.07.2019 at the latest, indicating the child’s age.

We would be pleased if the childcare offer meets strong demand and hope that it helps in participating in the conference. If you have any questions or problems feel free to contact us, we will then try to find an individual solution.

For further information and registration please contact Gislinde Bühler ().